Nestled away in the UK's quiet, picturesque east coast town of Ipswich, the lads in Basement are conflicted between the comfort of the beautiful familiar and the allure of escape. As frontman Andrew Fisher's gravelly, Lifetime-esque yowl skips and stretches over driving rhythms and poignant guitar melodies, it's clear Basement expertly walk the line between the contrast of heartrending emo and gruff post-hardcore. Whether working through a slow, Seaweed-styled mid-tempo burn of pounding-out driving punk, Basement has a quiet layer of jagged desperation weaving their songs together under the smooth melodic surface. Now available on vinyl.
Tracklist: 01. Fading 02. Plan To Be Surprised 03. Canada Square 04. Crickets Throw Their Voice 05. Earl Grey 06. Ellipses 07. Every Single Word 08. Yoke 09. Grayscale 10. March